By: Option Care
June 12, 2017

接受由注册护士所提供教育的抗感染家庭输液患者  再度入院、出现治疗中断的可能性较小,  NHIA 会议上展示的研究表明


Option Care 对家庭输液结果的研究BANNOCKBURN, Ill., June 12, 2017 — Patients have better outcomes when provided IV antibiotics home infusion education prior to discharge from the hospital, suggests Option Care data presented at the 2017 National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) Annual Conference & Exposition. Patients who received pre-discharge education from a registered nurse clinical liaison were less likely to experience disruptions in home infusion therapy, go to the emergency room or be readmitted to the hospital, the study found.


“家庭输液的临床联络员真的有助于缓解患者的恐惧,更好地让他们舒适成功地接受家庭输液。”该研究的主要作者兼 Option Care 北卡罗来纳州运营高级主管 Nora Bondi(注册护士)称。“临床联络员出院前教育是 Option Care 的全面高接触、高品质护理的一个重要环节,有助于确保患者拥有更成功的疗效。”

The study compared outcomes of 60 patients who received pre-discharge education, to 37 patients who did not (patients sometimes are hospitalized briefly and released too quickly to receive pre-discharge education). [*]Bondi N and Stancil H. Pre-discharge education by registered nurse clinical liaison improves home infusion outcomes in adult intravenous IV antibiotics therapy patients. Poster presented at the 2017 National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) Annual Conference & Exposition: May 22-25, 2017; Orlando.  Outcomes improved by 20 percent overall among patients who received pre-discharge education vs. those who did not. Specifically:

  • 非办公时间致电(如咨询与治疗、供送泵或 IV 静脉导管相关的技术问题/疑虑)或出现治疗中断:接受了出院前教育的患者中有 3%,未接受出院前教育的患者则有 51%。
  • 再度入院或到急诊室就诊:接受了出院前教育的患者中有 20%,未接受出院前教育的患者则有 48%。
  • 不受干预完成治疗:接受了出院前教育的患者中有 68%,未接受出院前教育的患者则有 48%。

家庭输液临床联络护士提供的出院前教育包括:演示治疗管理时正确的洗手和清洁技术以防止感染、解释药物的适当护理(如冷藏)、展示如何照料静脉 (IV) 输液导管和如何监测感染的迹象;演示如何冲洗 IV 导管;演示家庭输液中使用的实际供送泵或装置;以及查看药物时间表。

抗感染药物 — 包括用于治疗各式各样的感染和传染性疾病的抗生素、抗病毒和抗真菌药物 — 是家庭输液治疗最常见的指征。


关于 Option Care

Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is one of the nation’s largest and most trusted providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at


Lauren Kotarski


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